International Research Centre ‘Scientific cooperation’ offers a service of carrying out investigations in social, natural and technical sciences, humanities and medicine. They are fulfilled by high-quality specialists in the thematic field chosen by the client, who have PhD degrees (Doctor or Candidate of Science) on the profile of the research being carried out, possess rich experience in such projects execution, competently use qualitative and quantitative research methodology, process and interpret the obtained outcomes, know efficient forms of their representation. Evaluation of the possibilities to fulfill the client`s research project, analysis of its effects and risks, discussion of the deadlines and financial terms is done within face-to-face (for clients from Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region) or online (for clients from other cities of Russia and other countries) consultation on prerecording. Contact us to schedule an appointment sending the following claim form to the Centre`s e-mail.
Consultation cost is 1500 rubles (for clients from Russia and CIS countries), 50 Euro (for other categories).
Claim form for the scientific research fulfillment
International Research Centre ‘Scientific cooperation’ offers a service of carrying out investigations in social, natural and technical sciences, humanities and medicine. They are fulfilled by high-quality specialists in the thematic field chosen by the client, who have PhD degrees (Doctor or Candidate of Science) on the profile of the research being carried out, possess rich experience in such projects execution, competently use qualitative and quantitative research methodology, process and interpret the obtained outcomes, know efficient forms of their representation. Evaluation of the possibilities to fulfill the client`s research project, analysis of its effects and risks, discussion of the deadlines and financial terms is done within face-to-face (for clients from Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region) or online (for clients from other cities of Russia and other countries) consultation on prerecording. Contact us to schedule an appointment sending the following claim form to the Centre`s e-mail.
Consultation cost is 1500 rubles (for clients from Russia and CIS countries), 50 Euro (for other categories).